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Our 6 Responsibilities For Selling Your Home

1. We Advise

Throughout the home selling process, you will be faced with many simple and difficult decisions.  It is my responsibility to offer quality advice so you can make profitable decisions.

How it helps: More money and less stress.

2. We Protect

By paying attention to details and anticipating and solving problems, I will protect you, your equity, your interests, your future and your asset.  It is my responsibility to review buyer offers, ensure buyer qualification, track and communicate details and prevent delays that can cost you money.

How it helps: Your best interests are kept in front of all others.

3. We Monitor

I don’t just stop working for you after a sign is posted in the yard.  It is my responsibility to monitor market reaction, new and old competition, showing rates and consumer feedback.

How it helps: ‘Full Field Awareness’ so that you can make profitable decisions.

4. We Market

One of my most significant responsibilities is to provide complete market exposure through various marketing platforms including internet and emerging media.  I maintain systems to market, capture and follow through on leads, inquiries and showings.

How it helps: More buyers bring better offers.

5. We Negotiate

As a successful negotiator, it is my responsibility to get you the best terms using the most appropriate negotiation strategy for your specific situation.  Different goals require different game-plans.

How it helps: Good decisions and great terms.

6. We Follow Through

Each responsibility listed above would never matter if there were no one ‘driving and parking the car’.  It is an ever-valuable responsibility to ensure each loose end is tied up and ‘presented with a bow’ at the end of the selling cycle.

How it helps: A successful closing.